Tuesday, July 01, 2008



The Pan African Space Station (PASS) is a 4-day music intervention from 1-4 October 2008 across Cape Town, South Africa. The festival, curated by Ntone Edjabe and Neo Muyanga, is presented by the Africa Centre with the support of Spier.

One of the headline acts of the festival will be a unique radio station that will broadcast 30 days of cutting edge music and information from Global Africa to the world from 12 September - 12 October 2008.

We are asking radio makers, sound artists, DJs, musicians, producers, generally, music lovers from around the country (and the world) to contribute.


The PASS Festival is about music from Global Africa. We will seek, identify and present music that articulates the literal cacophony of nation-building in the African world. Artists will not be expected to represent a country or cultural group. Instead, progressive and experimental, new and historic music that transcends stereotypes and that speaks for self and the world will be favoured.

Please complete and return the following form: http://www.liquidfridge.co.za/media/pass-call_for_material.doc


If you think you're up to presenting a programme, let us know. Those with some radio experience would be preferred. E-mail: pass@liquidfridge.co.za


A 1001 things need to be done to keep the station running – we'll need all the hands we can get. If you're interested in helping with just 1 aspect, tell us about your skills and past experience if any.

E-mail: pass@liquidfridge.co.za

If you wish to get involved in PASS, please let us know BEFORE 31 July 2008. Please feel free to pass this information on. Thank you.

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